27 February 2012

EVOLO 2011

First of all I apologize by the result while publising this page. Some computers got the whole post, others not. I am struggling to make it simple, beauty and easy, showing offf all the very good works of the students. Please, take a while...

Despite being so later, it´s rather to show off the results of the first semester in the module that cope with the theme about skyscrapers and their new possibilities in 21th Century. Just to remind the quite few readers of this blog, the contest is sponsored by EVOLO electronic magazine , which accept students projects of skyscrapers all over the world. The two main question they should address were: what those massive structure could be in the future?; and what are the new responsibilities of the architects regarding the environment and all its connected structure?
The students I present here were mine in the module of 2011 winter/spring, and they had two months to develop all their jobs. 

The Aerotropolis
Authors: Andre rezende e Rafael Santos

first plate: aerotropolis
Nothing but a massivestructure built with features, new technologies and materials to serve as anairport and its neighborhood focused in the services provided by the airport.As defined by http://www.aerotropolis.com/,aerotropolis are new urban form placing airports in thecenter with cities growing around them, connecting workers, suppliers,executives, and goods to the global marketplace. Major airports have become keynodes in global production and enterprise systems offering them speed, agility,and connectivity. They are also powerful engines of local economic development,attracting aviation-linked businesses of all types to their environs. Theseinclude, among others, time-sensitive manufacturing and distributionfacilities; hotel, entertainment, retail, convention, trade and exhibitioncomplexes; and office buildings that house air-travel intensive executives andprofessionals.
In this project, Andre and Raphael admittedto be inspired by all fictional novels that they like. The most impressive isthat their dreams about technology are quite well explained in their drawing.
second plate: functionality of aerotropolis
Tour de La Mort
Authors: Andre Silva Andres Figueiredo e Barbara Cadilhe

This group had in certain extends a kind ofsense of humor to cope with the task: they designed a cemetery but not a commonone: a quite expensive high-tech, with some doubts about how the building wouldinterfere in the funeral ceremony.

First plate: general view
The idea of sheltering each coffin in a ball and, lifted by a quarter of pizza floorthat rotate with the corpse while elevating until the position determined wasreally a macabre technological idea. The team declared their intention in doingso, and was advised about the possibility of caricature the event. Above all, Iappreciate their courage despite the results are no far from a comic view exemptedof any reflections on the meaning of death and loss of our dearest.

Second plate: details.

Vertical Housing
By CarolinaAmarante Boaventura

She got the start point from another group, developing her job to perform better than the solution previously given. The theme was a vertical housing which appropriation was a go to get again the social scenes commons in bungalows and small neighbourhoods.

General View an unbelievable view of the future
I think she suceed. Although the formal result was nearly the same, she proposed solving lots of problems let by the latter team.

Vertical farmer
Author: Carolina Sapori e Luciana Rattes

A very detailed discussion about how it could be,not only in terms of a formal appeareance, but looking for all the stufff itintent to contemplate as a urban vertical farmer.

Mixed Tower
Author: Daniela Ribeiro da Fonseca

Mixingall it up is not an easy thing. Not really, when you deal with an area whereyou do not know what it will be neither the most scholars. So Daniela pictureda view of possible occupations considering the development of the area.
Leisure Tower
Author: Mitzi and Thais

Gettingoff of all the stuff proposed, this project aimed the potential mix of pblicand particular money in order to build a centre for leisure, with avirtual-cascade and other amenities. Quite peculiar and stronglydifficult to consider as a formal answer to the next coming years, as far as itseems coloquial and at the same time, challenging ...

Help Unit Tower
Author: Carolina e Rafael

This isprobably one of the most excitying project. The students considered the need ofquick help of accidents in the municipal route of vehicles near the countygovernment place. So, using the experience of one of the students who works asfirewoman, they created a very interestingconnection with the road, across the connection of special vehicles to help andsave in dangerous happenings, commons in such crowded road.

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